Saturday, April 25, 2009

Henry Cooper Camaletti

It's official. M&M are the official parents of Henry! For now. Shayne is the father of that baby. I hate that. I want Shaynah to have a baby together. And I want M&M to have this baby. :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rob's Contract

According to an insider, Rob is not going to sign his contract this year around. Which means no Malah reunion! YAY! I get to keep watching my awesome Shaynah and Mallet will somehow drift out of Springfield...I hope he dies though...If Marina cheats on him with Cyrus first and then he dies...she will feel guilty and need to leave SF without Cyrus. That would be great for the end of the show. <3

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So I'm still shocked about the cancellation of GL. It seems anytime I get really into a TV show, it cancels or characters start to leave.

CSI: Watched 7 years, and then Sara, Grissom, Warrick leave.

Jericho: Ended after it's second season.

Now GL.

I'm the grim reaper of television. :(

There's been really awesome M&M these past few days/weeks.

I've been lazy and haven't posted much lately. I feel bad, but I just don't have the time. :(

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

GL Cancelled

I'm so mad I could punch someone. :(

I wish this was just an April Fools joke. Who the hell cancel's a show on April Fools Day!?


Friday, March 27, 2009

Cute Interview with Rob/Mandy Purvis

While in Orlando, I sat down for a little dessert and a little chat with Guiding Light's Mandy Bruno (Marina Cooper Camaletti) and Robert Bogue (A.C. Mallet). After congratulating them on the news of their engagement, they told me how happy they are to be together and gushed about the joys of swimming with dolphins at Discovery Cove. We quickly got down to discussing their characters, both what they like about them and what they don't like so much. But they surprised me by admitting to the fact that what they really want to do is explore the dark side.

The off-screen couple's characters recently married on-screen. "It was a natural step in Marina's life. She'd met the man of her dreams... When you stop looking for love, you find it right in front of you. I know it seemed a little rushed to some of the fans but it's kind of [like] life," Bruno explained. Following Mallet's skin cancer scare, they realized just what they wanted in life and set about adopting a baby. They admitted that it was quick as well as being a bit of a 'dirty deal', but 'there was a child in need' and they rescued him. Since then, his presence has helped the family to heal after losing Coop. Now that they have a child in the house, their priorities will start changing. But all of this should be, "Pretty normal, pretty natural. This being a soap, this is about as perfect as it gets," Bogue said. As much as they enjoy playing with this particular slice of life, with all of the gentleness and humor it can involve, it can only last for so long. Bruno warned that parenthood is likely to bring out a new side of Marina, a darker side than anyone has ever seen. "A lot changes you and what's important to you when you become a parent and parents do some pretty rotten things in the name of their children... that's where this baby gives us the chance to play new things. Deeper, darker things... Something we both look forward to and want to play," Bruno said. Bogue happily backed her up. "I'm all for that. They seem to often touch upon it but they don't often stay there... I'm more than willing to lay that down with what we see with Mallet day to day and let that struggle carry through," he said.

The actor has played his share of gritty roles, like the killer he played on "Oz", and like most actors enjoys the meatiness that kind of character can offer. Unfortunately, Mallet's hit man plot was a little too rushed and that made it seem out of character. For her part, Mandy seemed giddy at the thought of moving away from playing nice.

But you can't always get what you want and both actors admitted that the show often seems intent on keeping them specialized and working within a particular thematic. Sometimes they feel like their characters should be in a spin-off series of their own because they are always being used for comedy and light-hearted stuff, although that's still, "a blast to play." Bogue went on to say that the last six months have seen the show become rejuvenated and far stronger than it's been in quite awhile. "It's exciting to be on the show right now... the pride is coming back and I think the show is turning a corner," he said. Bruno added her optimistic voice on the topic: "TV is changing... it's about reality TV, it's about this kind of shooting style and I just think it's fantastic that the soap world, such an "ancient" drama, is changing and moving with the times."Like many of her co-stars, Bruno is also an established singer who has cut her teeth in Broadway musicals. I wondered why such talents are rarely exploited. She reminded me that she did a little karaoke singing in her "In the Light" episode a few years ago, but hinted that, "There might be more singing coming up soon." Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, there is only a small collection of songs they are allowed to choose from. Excited by the idea of doing an all musical episode like the one done on As the World Turns, Bogue began singing dialog while Mandy laughed. "I'm going to put this in the suggestion box," she said.

(That was so much fun to read. Just because this Cyrina thing is going to take place, that definitely doesn't mean M&M are over. By reading this...I still have hope for them. :D )

BTW, there are at least 4 episodes of M&M I need to catch up on and I'm not sure I'm going to ever find the time to post caps for them. Sorry.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sorry about updates...

There has been lots of M&M baby drama lately and I haven't been updating much. My own family just went through it's own baby drama within the last few days.

My sister just gave birth to a healthy, 8 pound baby boy today. :)

I'll update ASAP. :)